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Nationally ranked

Harmony high schools are consistently ranked as the top schools in the nation by U.S. News & World Report, The Washington Post, and Newsweek.

100% graduation and college acceptance rate

There are 43 Harmony schools with 28,000 students in Texas. Every Harmony senior graduates and is accepted to college.

Race to the Top grant recipient

Harmony was one of 16 school districts in America to be awarded the sought-after $30 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

Winner of National and International Academic Competitions

Harmony schools have won over 2,000 awards in local, state, national, and international science, robotics, and math competitions. These include first place in the 2008 MathCounts, a gold medal in the 2012 INFOMATRIX International Project Competition in Bucharest, Romania, and representing the United States in the 2009 European Open Championship Robotics Competition.

Title I National Distinguished School Award

Harmony was one of only 52 schools in the entire nation to receive the National Title I Distinguished School Award for closing the achievement gap. It was the only charter school to receive the award.

Pipeline for STEM Careers

Harmony leads the nation for graduates who major in STEM subjects in college, 65% of Harmony graduates vs. 33% nationwide. 94% of African Americans who graduate from Harmony major in STEM vs. 18% nationwide.

Host of I-SWEEP (International Sustainable World Energy Engineering Project Olympiad)

I-SWEEP is a one-of-a-kind science fair competition open to high school students from all over the world. It is the largest science fair that focuses on sustainable development.