In order to enroll student(s), parent(s)/guardian(s) must fill out the enrollment forms and bring the required documents.
Harmony DC is located at 62 T Street, NE. Feel free to call us with any questions at 202-529-7500 or email us at admission@harmonydc.org
*Only students who were accepted through MySchoolDC can be enrolled in Harmony DC PCS.
Registration Documents
- Proof of Residency in the District of Colombia
- Parent ID (Driver’s License)
- Birth Certificate
- Immunization Records
- DC Universal Health Certificate
- DC Oral Health Assessment Form
- Medication and Medical Procedure Treatment Plan /Asthma Action Plan (If Applicable)
- Custody Documents (If Applicable)
- IEP/504 Plan (If Applicable)
Click the link to download a pdf version of the listed forms.
- Student Enrollment Form
- DC Residency Verification Form
- Student Pick-Up/Emergency Contact Information
- Home Language Survey (New Students Only)
- Permission to Release School Records (New Students Only)
- Parent/Guardian Contract (New Students Only)
- Student Code of Conduct (New Students Only)
- Permission for Videotaping and Audiotaping (New Students Only)
- Photo and Name Release Form (New Students Only)