
In order to enroll student(s), parent(s)/guardian(s) must fill out the enrollment forms and bring the required documents.

Harmony DC is located at 62 T Street, NE. Feel free to call us with any questions at 202-529-7500 or email us at admission@harmonydc.org

*Only students who were accepted through MySchoolDC can be enrolled in Harmony DC PCS.


Registration Documents

Click Here for All Registration Documents & Forms

Click Here for Registration Documents & Forms – Spanish


Documents Needed

  1. Proof of Residency in the District of Colombia
  2. Parent ID (Driver’s License)
  3. Birth Certificate
  4. Immunization Records
  5. DC Universal Health Certificate
  6. DC Oral Health Assessment Form
  7. Medication and Medical Procedure Treatment Plan /Asthma Action Plan (If Applicable)
  8. Custody Documents (If Applicable)
  9. IEP/504 Plan (If Applicable)

Click the link to download a pdf version of the listed forms.

  1. Student Enrollment Form
  2. DC Residency Verification Form
  3. Student Pick-Up/Emergency Contact Information
  4. Home Language Survey (New Students Only)
  5. Permission to Release School Records (New Students Only)
  6. Parent/Guardian Contract (New Students Only)
  7. Student Code of Conduct (New Students Only)
  8. Permission for Videotaping and Audiotaping (New Students Only)
  9. Photo and Name Release Form (New Students Only)