Entries by Muhammet Turkay

Portraits are now Online!

Ordering site at www.freedpics.com Enter your password: HPCS2324 o visite nuestro sitio de pedidos en www.freedpics.com Ingrese su contraseña: HPCS2324 https://freedphotography.simplephoto.com/folders/497872?code=HPCS2324

Black History Month Spirit Week

Good afternoon, and Happy Black History Month, Harmony DC Family! In order to celebrate the final week of Black History Month, we will be having a Spirit Week next week. 2/26: INSPIRED BY… Dress like a famous Black Icon who has inspired you. This can be someone from the present or past. 2/27: HBCU DAY […]

Celebrating National School Counseling Week, February 5-9, 2024

As we celebrate National School Counselor Week, we want to extend our deepest gratitude to our Counselor, Ms. Adugna. Ms. Adugna’s role, often behind the scenes, is pivotal in fostering mental health, wellness, and personal growth. Thank you for your tireless efforts, boundless patience, and invaluable expertise. You are truly making a difference, one conversation […]

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Spelling Bee

30 Spelling Bee Finalists competed on Wednesday, January 31st at the Harmony DC Spelling Bee. Students who placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will move on to the Regional Spelling Bee that will be held on February 8 to represent Harmony. Here are the place winners: 1st Place: Mason S. 2nd Place: Ayrion R. 3rd Place: […]