Thank you, students, parents, community members, and staff for an amazing STEM Fair.

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We would like to thank Mr. Morris for his volunteer service.

Mr. Morris came today (3/8/23) and planted sunflowers with Ms. Bebe’s 2nd Grade ELA class.

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Harmony DC scholars and staff celebrated Black History Month with poems, songs, and speeches on February 15, 2023. We thank our guest speaker, Grace Jones, Senior Electric Engineer at The Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO).

Harmony DC PCS hosted the DC Elementary Math Challenge on Saturday, February 11, 2023. Students in grades 3,4, and 5 from different parts of DC participated in the competition. Congratulations to all students!


Our STEM STARS are representing Harmony DC PCS at the Washington Informer 41st Annual Spelling Bee! While they are already winners, extend the warmest of well wishes and positive energy to our awesome scholars.

Second Quarter Honor Roll Ceremony

Congratulations to all our scholars!

Our scholars prepared cards and letters for veterans and learned about the life and legacy of Dr. King.

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We went for a trick-or-treating in the Wilson Building and visited the City Council Chamber and some executive offices.

October 31,2022