Dear Parents and Guardians,
As a result of the recent snow days, we are implementing asynchronous learning days to make up for the missed instructional time. These days will allow students to work from home, and they will not report to school on these dates.
The scheduled asynchronous make-up days are as follows:
Monday, January 27
Thursday, February 13
To ensure students are prepared, teachers will provide all necessary materials and assignments two days prior to each asynchronous learning day. Please review the materials with your child to ensure they understand the tasks and expectations.
Attendance Requirement:
Attendance for the asynchronous days will be monitored by homeroom teachers. Homeroom teachers will call parents to confirm that students are actively working on their assigned learning packets. The packets are to be returned by Tuesday, January 28th, for the January 27th date and by February 17th, for the February 13th asynchronous date. In the event that a student has not received a packet, they may obtain a copy from the main office, where all extra packets are being stored.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the make-up days, assignments, or attendance procedures, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or the school office. We appreciate your partnership in ensuring a smooth and productive learning experience for our students.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!